2007-01-12 18:19:24
Setting scope on atutorca forum searches
Hi, My boolean word seaches on any of the forums pages were returning many hits from all over the atutor.ca site. I eventually joted down the [i]view[/i] URLs for the forums of interest and added the Google domain search parameters to the search expression of:
[i]site:www.atutor.ca/view/7[/i] for the Support forum
[i]site:www.atutor.ca/view/3[/i] for the Bug Reports forum
and so on......
I'm new to the ATutor site forums and was wonder two things:
1) Is there already a simpler way to set search scope that I've just been missing?
2) Is there a place where these sorts of tips about using the site itself are (or can be) located?
Thanks and regards