2006-12-03 23:35:05
Installation of A Tutor on winxp Step 2 Database current step
operating system - WinXP
version of ATutor - A Tutor 1.5
versions of php - bundled in Easyphp1-8
version of mysq l - bundled in easyphp1-9
webserver & version - Apache bundled in easyphp 1-8
copies of error messages - attached
changes to default settings -
web browser being used - Firefox 1.5
and anything else relevant -
I am installing Atutor on a local winxp to play with it. No connection to the internet. Extracted the tar to www directory inside Easyphp directory
Configured config.inc.php to include some codes I found on the forum: they are below
Launched atutor locally "here is the link: http://localhost/uploads/ATutor/install/install.php and was taken to the installation process. I get stuck on the database step where I am told " Error
* Unable to connect to database server.".
Here are the database parameters:
* Database Hostname: localhost
*Database Port: 3306
Database Username: (blank)
Database Password: (blank)
Database Name: Default: atutor
Table Prefix: Default: AT_
Had created the database and can access it using the command line, leaving the password blank. I did this when I was going through the installation procedures on this link: http://www.atutor.ca/atutor/docs/installation_pre_1_3.php#windows and used this command successfully
mysqladmin -u username -p create atutor
I then proceeded to Use the SQL file in ./include/db/atutor_schema.sql to create the required tables. Either execute the file by copy and pasting it or by using the method below. If the system adminstrator has setup an empty "atutor" database for you, you can populate the database from the shell command line with:
mysql -u username -p atutor < ./include/db/atutor_schema.sql
After I had done all of that, I launched http://localhost/uploads/ATutor/install/not_installed.php and got this message: ATutor Logo
ATutor does not appear to be installed. Continue on to the installation.
I then tried to install by clicking on the link provided and got the unable to connect to database.
It would be useful to have detailed installations procedures which are explicit the same way other applicagions do, where the user is guided through all the steps, in details so that nothing is left to chance and you don't get unnecessary questions like this one I suppose.
Here is my config.inc. php file in include.
Appreciate your help.