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Things to describe:
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Reading List
The reading list area allows instructors and assistants with Reading List privileges to list course resources and schedule when they should be read.
Managing Reading List
A new reading list entry can be added by selecting book, URL, handout, AV, or file from the "Type of Reading" dropdown at the top and using the Create button. If a resource of that type does not already exist, the instructor is prompted to add one. After this is complete, or if resources of that type do exist, the add reading list entry page is displayed. Choose the name of the resource from the dropdown, or follow the Create New link to add a new one. Specify if it is required or optional reading, and add a comment if necessary. It is also possible to specify a "read by" date by entering the start and end reading dates. Use the Save button to create the entry.
Managing Resources
To manage resources, follow the Resources link. Create a new resource by selecting its type from the dropdown at the top and using the Create button. Enter the title, author, year, publisher, ISBN, and comment and use the Save button. To Edit or Delete an entry, choose it from the list and use the appropriate button.
I followed the above and post a reading list but students can not see what I post. Any idea why?