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Posting and editing content problems

  • 2006-09-21 10:42:57

    Posting and editing content problems


    I'm a freelance instructor who is trying to build a course on ATutor. Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought I could do that without downloading anything. Was I wrong?

    The reason I ask is this: when I copy the HTML code I used to create my content pages, and paste it into the content box, it transfers well except for images and hyperlinks. When I try to use the editing shorcut buttons, open the File Manager, or right-click selected text of image placeholders, nothing happens. I can't create links to other files or pages, or insert my images (whick I uploaded separately into the File Manager).

    I've tried the operation in three different browsers: Internet Explorer (most recent, I think), Netscape 8.1, and Firefox (1.5, I think).

    I'm getting very frustrated and could use any and all suggestions. If I've overlooked a download requirement, maybe that is the solution. Do I have to actually have ATutor installed on my local PC (using Windows) to post content on the internet? I've used Blackboard before and that wasn't a requirement.

    Sharon Stone

  • 2006-09-21 13:46:28

    Re: Posting and editing content problems

    You don't need to download anything. You can create your content online through

    After uploading your images into the file manager, open the editor on the pages you want to edit, and from there open the file manager linked from within the editor, find your image, and press the insert button. Same goes for creating links to files.

    Be sure javascript is enabled in your browser to use the file manager insert function.

  • 2006-09-23 08:53:33

    Re: Posting and editing content problems

    I did what you suggested, still with no luck. I went to the content page (using the "Resume" link from the icon box where my name and course title appear). Then, I clicked on the "Edit this page" link in the little box in the upper right corner of the page. After the view changes to the edit function, I changed the text edit view to the visual edit option. So far, so good. But then, as always, I clicked on the "Open File Manager" button and nothing happened. The button looks as if it is being depressed, but the file manager doesn't open. I'm pretty sure javascript is enabled. All the other buttons on all the other web sites I've visited are working, and I checked my browser add-ons list to make sure Java was enabled. I've also tried this operation using both my desktop and laptop computers.

    Any other ideas?


  • 2006-09-23 09:23:25

    Re: Posting and editing content problems

    I had a look at your course, and tried to open the file manager from within the content editor. It all seems to work fine.

    Are you clicking the text link "Open the File Manager", or the button next to it? You need to click the link. If nothing happens when you click the button, which opens the visual editor, then it is very likely Javascript is disabled in your browser. The visual editor, and the open file manager link require javascript to be enabled.

    Javascript is not the same as Java. Make sure it is Javascript that you are enabling.

  • 2006-09-23 10:01:09

    Re: Posting and editing content problems


    Thanks for your continued help! I realized from you last question that I used the word "button" instead of hyperlink in reference to the file manager.

    Actually, when the edit page opens, the button that toggles between text and visual editor does work and always has. It's the hyperlink next to the button that says "Open File Manager" that doesn't work. And after paying close attention, I see that the link appears in black, unlike the other hyperlinks, and there is no rollover color change (although the pointer does change to a hand, as it should). When I click on the link, there is no sound and nothing happens.

    When I click on the editing shorcut buttons in the toolbars just above the content window, they look like they're being pressed and make clicking sounds. However, none of the buttons related to linking, unlinking, inserting images (including emoticons), or placing anchors work. The formatting and layout buttons do seem to work fine.

    I've searched my program files and system for Javascript, but can find nothing to indicate it is or isn't enabled.


  • 2006-09-23 11:54:15

    Re: Posting and editing content problems

    I've tried several browsers on windows, Linux, and Mac but still can not reproduce the problem. I would guess that it is something specific to the system you are working on. Try editing on some other computer to see if the problem persists.

    Mention the operating system(s) and version you are working on, and the browsers and their exact version that you've tested with. It may be a specific combination of these that's the root of the problem.

  • 2006-09-23 14:47:45

    Re: Posting and editing content problems


    I've been working from Windows XP. It looks like my Internet Explorer is 6.0. I also downloaded Netscape 8.1 and Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (which is the most recent version, I believe). I've also been trying to work from my laptop, also with with Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6.0, but not the other two browsers.

    Very weird. Would the actual content be causing trouble? I didn't think it could, so didn't ask this question before. The formatting is done with tables to control spacing, but there aren't any unusual features (like spreadsheets or databases) in the content -- just text and a few images and hyperlinks.

    Sorry to be so much trouble.

  • 2006-09-23 14:49:28

    Re: Posting and editing content problems


    Did you notice I was able to insert an emoticon above? This works here, but not when I'm trying to insert them in my course content. HMMM.


  • 2006-09-23 16:01:10

    Re: Posting and editing content problems

    Broken HTML in content can break things.

    I have two very similar windows setups, but niether gives me any trouble.

    Perhaps your system does not like the Javascript onclick. You could try replacing the link at about line 45 in




    document.write("<a href=\"javascript:void'<?php echo $_base_href; ?>tools/filemanager/index.php?framed=1<?php echo SEP; ?>popup=1<?php echo SEP; ?>cp=<?php echo $content_row['content_path']; ?>','newWin1','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,copyhistory=0,width=640,height=490'); \" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-decoration:underline;\" ><?php echo _AT('open_file_manager'); ?> </a>");


    Be sure there are no line breaks pasted in when you copy it.

    I don't know what else to tell you. If this works, or if you do discover what the problem is, let us know.