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Error in registration with ATutor 152

  • 2006-09-20 02:05:18

    Error in registration with ATutor 152

    Hi Greg,
    Pleae help me to solve the following problem. I have upgraded successfully from old ATutor to ATutor 1.52. But now I have been informed that no one can register in our site and this is very hard for us now because our new semester has started and new students need to register.
    Thanks for your support
    Things to describe:
    operating system - FC5
    version of ATutor - 1.5.2
    versions of php - 5
    version of mysq l -5.0.18
    webserver & version -
    copies of error messages -
    [red]"Information could not be added to the database." [/red]
    changes to default settings -
    web browser being used -
    and anything else relevant -

  • 2006-09-20 08:26:39

    Re: Error in registration with ATutor 1.5.2

    What version of ATutor are you upgrading from?

    Did you upgrade MySQL recently? Recent changes in MySQL may be the problem.

    You may want to instead upgrade to, the current stable release.

    Or, revert back to your old installation for now until the problem can be determined.

  • 2006-09-23 03:19:24

    Re: Error in registration with ATutor 1.5.2

    thanks Greg for your reply. I couldn't upgrade to 1.5.3 or as I have written in the following thread.
    Also I did what ever was said in that thread but no changes because I am using mysql 5.0.18 not 4.x.
    And unfortunately I don't have my old version as my old server was damaged and so I can't revert back to old one. Please help me to solve this problem with mysql 5.
    Even I tried to go back to old operating system which was FC4, but because I didn't have old Atuor nothing changed.
    By the way I first upgraded the operating system from fc4 to fc5 and then upgraded Atutor from 1.4 to 1.5 and then 1.5.2

    Things to describe:
    operating system -FC5
    version of ATutor - 1.5.2
    versions of php - 5
    version of mysq l -5.0.18
    webserver & version -
    copies of error messages -
    "Information could not be added to the database."
    changes to default settings -
    web browser being used -
    and anything else relevant -

  • 2006-09-23 09:04:10

    Re: Error in registration with ATutor 1.5.2

    It should work fine with MySQL 5.

    I can not see any reason for the registration to stop working after you upgraded. Is there anything else that's not working?

    If your MySQL was recently upgrade, it is likely the character set was changed to utf-8. You can either convert the entire ATutor members table to UTF-8, or switch the the charcater set back to latin1. Choose latin1_swedish_ci in something like phpMyAdmin, under mysql connection collation.

    Be sure to that backups of your database before attempt changes to it.

  • 2006-09-24 01:50:56

    Re: Error in registration with ATutor 1.5.2

    Thanks Greg, before receiving your reply I could find the problem which was in the insertion to db and I solved it. But now I don't receive confirmation mail so I disabled this feature for now but need to solve email problem as well. I checked the source for sending email and I would like to use sendmail which is default mail server on FC5. Would you please help me to solve email problem as well.
    By the way, for your information I changed the following line:
    in file: registration.php
    changed line:
    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."members VALUES ('0','$_POST[login]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[website]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]', '$dob', '$_POST[gender]', '$_POST[address]','$_POST[postal]','$_POST[city]','$_POST[province]','$_POST[country]', '$_POST[phone]', $status, '$_config[pref_defaults]', '$now','$_SESSION[lang]', $_config[pref_inbox_notify])";
    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."members (login,password,email,website,first_name,second_name,last_name,dob,gender,address,postal,city,province,country,phone,status,preferences,creation_date,language,inbox_notify,private_email) VALUES ('$_POST[login]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[website]','$_POST[first_name]','','$_POST[last_name]', '$dob', '$_POST[gender]', '$_POST[address]','$_POST[postal]','$_POST[city]','$_POST[province]','$_POST[country]', '$_POST[phone]', $status, '$_config[pref_defaults]', '$now','$_SESSION[lang]', $_config[pref_inbox_notify],'')";
    Because in your code the value of member_id was 0 which is impossible and since member_id is auto increment, I removed it from insertion.

  • 2006-09-25 08:50:40

    Re: Error in registration with ATutor 1.5.2

    thx fathianf

    It appears to be something specific to the version of mysql you're using. We'll add it to the bug tracker and investigate further.