2006-09-18 06:45:18
what does getphp do
hi, one of our users is experiencing a strange problem. her browser crashes everytime she tries to open any documents linked to from content pages. this time it is a .ppt-file linked to, and the link reads something like /atutor/get.php/filename.ppt
this *only* happens when atutor uses get.php as part of the link. to debug we have tried putting the file elsewhere on the server (directly), and also putting the file in the file storage area. this creates no problems.
I have no problems opening these files myself, so it's likely the problem is somewhere on her side. however, get.php has *something* to do with it.. also I've experienced some lag myself when getting at file though get.php compared to getting it directly..
so, what does get.php [b]do[/b], and what can it be that makes a browser tick? I believe this file wasn't used at all before version 1.5.. is it necessary, or could there be a better way to do it?
best, vjo