2006-07-19 13:18:43
install Atutor on my web host
Good morning,
Seems I could use ATutor to run educationnal courses on french gastronomie.
Could you kindly tell me if my ATutor content can be hosted on the server where I host my website ?
My Host (Dreamhost) makes Sql available if I need and runs Apache if requested.
But I do not understand what I should put on Dreamhost.
Will ATutor appear as one of my website ? Is there a
portion of ATutor software to install on Dreamhost?
If you could give me steps to follow about what to donwload on my PC, then FTP/install on Dreamhost, I would really appreciate.
Also I am not clear whether I can also install ATutor on my XP machine and develop my content there, before uploading to Dreamhost.
Thank you very much