
Learning Management Tools

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Creating student lists

  • 2006-05-07 11:16:56

    Creating student lists

    Hi, I am using ATutor with linux. I am using the latest version of ATutor (just upgraded). Now, when I create a list of students, the email that gets sent to the students includes usernames and passwords for all other students up to that student username.

    Eg, if i create three users: t_test1, t_test2 and t_test3, these are the emails sent to the various users:

    t-test1 gets:
    You have been enrolled into the course ????. To access this course, you must first confirm your account by using the following link: It is strongly suggested you change your password upon logging in.

    Web Site :
    Login Name : t_test1
    Password : t_test1

    t_test2 gets:
    You have been enrolled into the course ????. To access this course, you must first confirm your account by using the following link: It is strongly suggested you change your password upon logging in.

    Web Site :
    Login Name : t_test1
    Password : t_test1
    You have been enrolled into the course ????. To access this course, you must first confirm your account by using the following link: It is strongly suggested you change your password upon logging in.

    Web Site :
    Login Name : t_test2
    Password : t_test2

    and t_test3 gets:
    You have been enrolled into the course ????. To access this course, you must first confirm your account by using the following link: It is strongly suggested you change your password upon logging in.

    Web Site :
    Login Name : t_test1
    Password : t_test1
    You have been enrolled into the course ????. To access this course, you must first confirm your account by using the following link: It is strongly suggested you change your password upon logging in.

    Web Site :
    Login Name : t_test2
    Password : t_test2
    You have been enrolled into the course ????. To access this course, you must first confirm your account by using the following link: It is strongly suggested you change your password upon logging in.

    Web Site :
    Login Name : t_test3
    Password : t_test3

    and so on...

    Can someone please fix this bug or show me what I have done wrong?

  • 2006-05-07 11:27:35

    Re: Creating student lists

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    operating system -
    version of ATutor -
    versions of php -
    version of mysq l -
    webserver & version -
    copies of error messages -
    changes to default settings -
    web browser being used -
    and anything else relevant -

  • 2006-05-07 12:15:03

    Re: Creating student lists

    Never mind the system info, though in the future include it.

    To fix the problem add unset($body) to include/lib/ at about line 153, just before unset($mail)



  • 2006-05-07 14:10:03

    Re: Creating student lists

    Thanks for that.
    Can you also tell me how to:
    1) delete more than one user at once (incl all of them)
    2) re-email everyone's welcome email to them?
    3) create a random passwd for the users when creating them?
    4) import a list of users along with their passwds into the student list?
    Thanks in advance. :)

  • 2006-05-08 08:41:12

    Re: Creating student lists

    [green] Can you also tell me how to: [/green]

    [green] 1) delete more than one user at once (incl all of them) [/green]

    One at a time, unless you do it via a mysql management application link phpMyAdmin

    [green] 2) re-email everyone's welcome email to them? [/green]
    Yes. Unenroll users, then re-enroll them to resend the Welcome message

    [green] 3) create a random passwd for the users when creating them? [/green]

    No. The system does not create random passwords.

    [green] 4) import a list of users along with their passwds into the student list? [/green]

    No. Passwords are created by the system based on the persons name.

  • 2006-05-16 10:58:19

    Re: Creating student lists

    remove the first dots from line 142 and 145 of include/lib/

    before: $body .=
    after: $body =