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Pop up images in offline version

  • 2006-04-10 09:20:40

    Pop up images in offline version

    I've created the course with help of eXe editor and imported it in a system. The content contains a lot of pictorial matherial, such as a gallery with a big popup images... (The code provided with JavaScript display_image() function - in content.js file)

    When I exported the course content offline I wasn't able to open any pop-up images, however the file address is set correctly

    Thanks beforhand

    Atutor 1.5.2
    PHP 4.3.10
    MySQL 4.1.9
    Apache 1.3.33
    IE 6
    All the settings are default

  • 2006-04-10 10:37:30

    Re: Pop up images in offline version

    That's because ATutor currently strips away information in the head area of HTML pages imported from eXe. This has been changed for the next ATutor release, which will preserve any such information.

    For now you can copy the Javascript into the body of your content pages.