
Learning Management Tools

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Privileges Question

  • 2006-03-28 18:42:33

    Privileges Question

    Perhpas i overlooked it in the documentation, I appreciate your help.

    I am using ATutor and would like people from outside to be able to view courses.

    Consider this scenario:

    MrX can log in and ONLY see Course X (and also be able to make modifactions)
    MrY can log in and ONLY see Course Y(and also be able to make modifactions)

    Although MR A,B,C,D Etc. can see both of them.

    Is this something that can easily be accomplished?

  • 2006-03-28 19:12:06

    Re: Privileges Question

    Privileges are set through the enrolment manager. They are more for assigning edit privileges to teaching assistant, than granting access to outside viewers.

    Enroll MrX in course X, then assign him all possible privileges so he can make modifications to the course.

    Same for MrY, except enroll him in course Y and assign him privileges in that course.

    Enroll Mr A.B.C D in both course but assign them any privileges if they are only allowed to see/use the course as a student.