2006-03-26 17:55:27
how is html called
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system - windows xp
version of ATutor - 1.5.2
versions of php - 4.3.10
version of mysq l - 4.1.9
webserver & version - apache 1.3.33
I am using Atutor for a college project and i am looking for information on how to edit the login and other pages to display links to other parts of my site. Ideally i would like to include navigational links to areas outside atutor.
When i call the page source i can see the html code for the links that are already there( Browse courses ect.) but when i view the .php file its not there, iam looking for information on how this is done.