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how is html called

  • 2006-03-26 17:55:27

    how is html called

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    operating system - windows xp
    version of ATutor - 1.5.2
    versions of php - 4.3.10
    version of mysq l - 4.1.9
    webserver & version - apache 1.3.33

    I am using Atutor for a college project and i am looking for information on how to edit the login and other pages to display links to other parts of my site. Ideally i would like to include navigational links to areas outside atutor.

    When i call the page source i can see the html code for the links that are already there( Browse courses ect.) but when i view the .php file its not there, iam looking for information on how this is done.

  • 2006-03-26 18:32:29

    Re: how is html called

    Most of the HTML comes from the themes.



  • 2006-03-27 11:21:23

    Re: how is html called

    Had a look at those files still unable to to determine how the links are generated in html.

    From the page source in the browser i can see it being called -

    <!-- hidden direct link to content -->
    <a href="/ATutor/registration.php?register=Register#content" style="border: 0px;" accesskey="c"><img src="/ATutor/images/clr.gif" height="1" width="1" border="0" alt="Go to content ALT+c" /></a>

    <a href="/ATutor/browse.php">Browse Courses</a> |
    <a href="/ATutor/login.php?course=">Login</a> |
    <a href="/ATutor/search.php">Search</a> |
    <a href="/ATutor/help/index.php">Help</a>

    One of the comments from the page source is "hidden direct link to content" is this a hidden link for the content of the html that is being produced.

  • 2006-03-27 19:24:55

    Re: how is html called

    Search the header.tmlp.php template for the word "browse".

  • 2006-03-28 12:55:30

    Re: how is html called

    Thanks for all of your help much appreciated.

    From the code -

    <a href="<?php echo $this->base_path; ?>search.php"><?php echo _AT('browse_courses'); ?></a> |
    <a href="<?php echo $this->base_path; ?>login.php?course=<?php echo $_SESSION['course_id']; ?>"><?php echo _AT('login'); ?></a> |
    <a href="<?php echo $this->base_path; ?>search.php"><?php echo _AT('search'); ?></a> |
    <a href="<?php echo $this->base_path; ?>help/index.php"><?php echo _AT('help'); ?></a>

    I can see these are for the links at the top right of the login screen.

    The tabs at the also provide links but are called differently i was looking to add my own there as well but i am at a loss to how they are edited i can see them being called from the code -

    <li><a href="<?php echo $page['url']; ?>" <?php echo $accesskey_text; ?> title="<?php echo $page['title'] . $accesskey_title; ?>" class="active"><?php echo $page['title']; ?></a></li>
    <?php else: ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $page['url']; ?>" <?php echo $accesskey_text; ?> title="<?php echo $page['title'] . $accesskey_title; ?>"><?php echo $page['title']; ?></a></li>

    Could you please give me some direction to how 1 of these could be added or edited again thanks for all your help.

  • 2006-03-28 19:21:14

    Re: how is html called

    The tabs are generate dynamically, so adding to them is not as straight forward.

    Search in the header file for "topnavlistcontainer". After the opening HTML UL element just below it, you can enter static HTML. There's a little more to it than that if you want your link to function like the others, but basic HTML will work.