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How to import scorm 12 package into ATutor 152

  • 2006-02-09 01:54:47

    How to import scorm 12 package into ATutor 152

    I have ATutor 1.5.2 up and running on windows xp. I want to use the scorm module to import an existing scorm 1.2 package in order to test the scorm conformance of the package.
    I have installed and enabled SCORM module. As per details of files given for SCORM module I navigated to tools/packages/index.php and from there followed the UI links to import the package.
    A small pop up window appears which says 'file upload in progress' and closes after a while. The 'import.php' page is blank. The package does not appear in the list of packages. Please help out.

    Things to describe:
    operating system - windows xp sp2
    version of ATutor - 1.5.2
    versions of php -5.1.2
    version of mysq l -4.1.16
    webserver & version -apache 2.0
    copies of error messages -
    changes to default settings -
    web browser being used -IE 5.1
    and anything else relevant - I tried out the same exercise on IIS and SQL Server and posted the problem, which was replied as it requires IIS 6. Instead of IIS6 I installed all recommended software on windows. But the problem persists. Can I say the problem lies in the package to be imported?

    Thanks in advance

  • 2006-02-09 08:31:06

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    Try the sample SCOs

    If they work, it is likely a problem with the SCOs you are trying to import.

  • 2006-02-09 23:58:37

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    Hi Greg,

    Same problem persists for sample SCOs given at your site. I tried Security in Information Age SCO package.
    What could be the problem with 'import.php' and the list of packages?
    Please help out.


  • 2006-02-10 08:35:31

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    Are you using the current Java JRE (required)

    After importing, is the sco in the sco/ directory you created?

  • 2006-02-13 03:06:14

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    Hi Greg,

    I am using the latest JRE -- Java 2 runtime environment, SE 1.4.2_10 wirh J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 6 is installed on my machine.
    After importing the pop up closes automatically, the import.php page is blank and no directory is created under sco directory.
    The configuration I am using is windows xp sp2, apache 2.0, PHP 5.1.2, MySQL 4.1.16. Apache listens to port 9090.

  • 2006-02-14 03:36:08

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    The web browser being used is IE 6.0.
    Please help out resolving the issue. I want to use ATutor for the purpose of testing SCORM conformance of a SCORM 1.2 package created using an authoring tool which is under test.

  • 2006-02-14 08:37:27

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    You should be using the ADL SCORM test suite to test conformance of your SCOs.

  • 2006-02-14 23:30:07

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    Hi Greg,

    Fine, for testing SCOs I have installed ADL test suite. In addition to that I want to test the SCOs on a SCORM conformant LMS.
    Apart from this fact, another important point is that the sample SCOs on ATutor site are not getting imported in ATutor on my machine. (I have already described the configuration on which I have installed ATutor.)
    Please help out resolve the configuration problems till the point that the sample SCOs from your site would get imported and navigated on the ATutor configured on my machine.

    Thanks and Sorry for trouble

  • 2006-02-15 08:37:56

    Re: How to import scorm 1.2 package into ATutor 1.5.2?

    There's not much more we can do. It is most likely a system setting that prevents ATutor from writing to your hard drive. If you have set the SCO directory to be writable, safemode is off, the 1.5 JRE is being used, things should work.

    If you discover any other settings that might be to source of the problem, mention them here.

    Perhaps someone else monitoring this forum, running SCOs on an XP based system, can provide some insight.