2006-01-10 05:05:56
identify popup file manager
I changed some things in the default theme CSS, as setting left and right margin on body (10%), and a background picture on html, see attached screendump for results.
this looks nice in Atutor (I think), but creates some problems for the pop-up file manager and for the chat. the chat is easy to fix as one can identidy the html and body element as class="chat" in the code and control it via the CSS, but I cannot find a way to do this with the file manager.
the problem is really the margin on the body element which renders the pop-up window too small, if this could be identifies as body class="filemanager" I could solve the problem easily. another solution would be to fix the pop-up link and make the pop-up wider, but I would rather do it the other way..
so, any idea how I could get the file manager pop-up to identify its body element with class "filemanager"?
different question: I can see that the possibility to upload files from the pop up file manager is gone in 1.5.2...? I think our users kind of liked this, so is there any easy way to get it back? and why was it removed? :)