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identify popup file manager

  • 2006-01-10 05:05:56

    identify popup file manager


    I changed some things in the default theme CSS, as setting left and right margin on body (10%), and a background picture on html, see attached screendump for results.

    this looks nice in Atutor (I think), but creates some problems for the pop-up file manager and for the chat. the chat is easy to fix as one can identidy the html and body element as class="chat" in the code and control it via the CSS, but I cannot find a way to do this with the file manager.

    the problem is really the margin on the body element which renders the pop-up window too small, if this could be identifies as body class="filemanager" I could solve the problem easily. another solution would be to fix the pop-up link and make the pop-up wider, but I would rather do it the other way..

    so, any idea how I could get the file manager pop-up to identify its body element with class "filemanager"?

    different question: I can see that the possibility to upload files from the pop up file manager is gone in 1.5.2...? I think our users kind of liked this, so is there any easy way to get it back? and why was it removed? :)

  • 2006-01-10 08:43:07

    Re: identify pop-up file manager

    The file manager uses different header and footer templates, in themes/default/include, than the rest of ATutor does, so in the other templates you could wrap the entire display in another div and define the margin for it in the stylesheet.

    add the opening new div to

    and the closing new div to

  • 2006-01-16 09:17:43

    Re: identify pop-up file manager

    thanks, I was not aware of that. I just added the class filemanager to HTML and BODY here, and styled that.

    I would still like the pop up window to be a bit wider, and need to find the following pop-up link:

    [php]document.write(" <a onclick=\"'','newWin1','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,copyhistory=0,width=640,height=490')\" style=\"cursor: pointer; text-decoration:underline;\" >pne filutforsker </a>");[/php]

    I can't find it in any of the template files...(?)

  • 2006-01-17 13:32:45

    Re: identify pop-up file manager

    The popup for the file manager is in:
