2006-01-05 07:38:40
help cant create user account
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system - windows Xp SP2
version of ATutor - ATutor-1.5.2
versions of php - php-4.4.1
version of mysq l - mysql-essential-5.0.18-win32- mysql-administrator-1.1.6
webserver & version - apache_1.3.34
copies of error messages - "The following errors occurred:
* Information could not be added to the database."
web browser being used - Firefox
Hi I'm newbi, and I have trobles creating new account.
When I try to create new user (student or Instructor) i recive this message:
The following errors occurred:
* Information could not be added to the database.
can someone help me please?