2005-12-10 22:14:26
Need a few clarifications Faster the better please
I'm really impressed with the ATutor CMS. It is one of the best and the easiest environments I've ever seen. I'm planning to migrate from my present Quiz Script to ATutor but I'm a little worried. I wanted to know if the following features can be implemented using ATutor?
1. The test has to be completed in a set time
2. Negative marking if required, may be implemented - This means that for every wrong answer, a set number of marks are deducted from the total score.
3. Give a customised marking scheme to the test taker - This means that the test taker will be allowed to decide the negative marking and positive marking for each wrong answer and correct answer respectively.
4. While displaying the results, a more detailed result should be displayed. For instance,
Your Score is 7/20 or 35% of questions answered correctly.
Test Score is 3.5 with a negative marking of 1/3 marks and positive marking of 1 mark.
5. Allow guests to add questions to the database in the simplest way possible. This is because, I'm aiming at providing free tests to everyone and i'm planning to use the Open Database Concept.
6. Import questions and choices from a text file.
I need more clarifications but the above ones are really really important. I'd be grateful, if someone could clarify if the above things can be implemented using the ATutor Module. Your answer will be really vital for me. Depending on your answer, I will have to decide if I should migrate to ATutor or stick to the present Standalone quiz Module which i'm having.
Please Help.