2005-11-22 12:48:30
There are no languages installed
Only this error message is presented when loading http://localhost/lms/atutor/login.php on this fresh install. All installation checks passed. The file config.inc.php properly shows 'en' as the default language.
Things to describe:
operating system - Linux 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4
version of ATutor - installed from ATutor-1.5.1-pl2.tar.gz
versions of php - 5.0.4
version of mysq l - 4.1.11
webserver & version - Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora)
copies of error messages - There are no languages installed!
changes to default settings - installed to /lms/atutor
web browser being used - Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4
and anything else relevant - Made required chmods and installation went flawlessly. This is the only error message.