2005-11-11 21:37:25
Confused about TestsSurveys
For my course I have created a test, but when I log in as a student and attempt to take the test, it says it is "Pending."
When I log back in as the instructor and check the test, it also says it is pending.
What setting do I need to modify to move the test out of the "Pending" category?
Information that may be of some help......
Content is stored outside of the web path for security purposes
Standard installation without modification
operating system - Linux
Kernel version: 2.4.25
version of ATutor -1.5.1pl
versions of php - 4.3.10
version of mysq l - 4.0.25-standard
webserver & version - Apache, 1.3.33 (Unix)
copies of error messages - none
changes to default settings - none
web browser being used - Internet Explorer 6
and anything else relevant - N/A