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Problem on Step 2

  • 2005-11-03 12:25:43

    Problem on Step 2

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    operating system - unix
    version of ATutor -1.5.1
    versions of php - 4.3.2
    version of mysq l -4.0.16
    webserver & version -Apache 2.0.46(red hat)
    copies of error messages -
    Connected to database ogsms successfully.
    Table ogsms_admin_log creation failed.
    Table ogsms_admins creation failed.
    Table ogsms_backups creation failed.
    Table ogsms_content creation failed.

    web browser being used - I Explorer
    and anything else relevant - the database has already created and the user has permission to create tables. I have already made writable (chmod a+rwx)

    I have previos installation succesful, I am wondering Is there a way to change the database connection if database location has been changed?. I tried to change the connectin detail in but it didn't work out. Do I need to make changes in any other file too?

    Finally Is there a way so that I can skip the table creatin step and do the table creation manually because I am able to create tables manually using the same user on mysql.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • 2005-11-07 14:40:47

    db changes

    the DB information is stored in so changing that will update your DB settings. be sure that the TABLE_PREFIX is right too.

    why do you want to do the table creation manually? the sql scripts are stored in /install/db