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no images

  • 2005-09-09 10:46:25

    no images


    I've tried to upload 2 course (made bye Reload) on my Atutor 1.4.3.
    The first one is all right, but in the second all the images paths are wrong.
    I don't understand why....
    In reload preview is all right.
    I've also tried on your demo server 1.5.1 :
    I've also attached the zip of the course to upload.
    Can u help me ?
    Thank you
    Pierluigi Fontanesi

  • 2005-09-09 15:51:27

    possible fix

    in ./tools/ims/ims_import.php

    change line 68 from:
    if ($package_base_path == '') {

    if (!$package_base_path) {

  • 2005-09-13 10:25:28

    Don't work !!!


    I've tried to change the code, but when I import the course, the paths are wrong.
    Do u have other possible way to make it right ???
    Thank u
    Pierluigi Fontanesi

  • 2005-09-13 10:33:00

    Study the package

    It is possible to package was not constructed properly. The fact that one package works, but another does not would suggest this.

    This is something you will need to discover on your own.