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base href

  • 2005-08-16 10:50:28

    base href

    Is it possible not to use this? Every URL I add myself gets rewritten to get.php. What is the criteria so that my link does not get rewritten?

    Does no one know how easy it would be to move the course menu to the left side or has done that?

  • 2005-08-16 16:57:41

    base_href required

    You could try setting AT_FORCE_GET_FILE to FALSE in include/ if your content directory is located within the directories of your ATutor installation. If the content directory is outside your installation, then get.php is required to retrieve files from your cource content directory. If you are linking to things other than content, you will need to use a ful URL.

    See the Plone theme for ATutor 1.5. It has the menu on the left. It's not too difficult to move.

  • 2005-08-16 17:04:28

    got it

    I had already moved it just was wondering if there was a setting or something so that you could switch its location with out screwing up the installation because if i were to upgrade I would loose that change.

    I saw that it was hard coded in the footer was just wondering if there were any other comments on that.

  • 2005-08-17 08:36:07

    Save your themes

    Before you upgrade export your themes. Reimport them after the upgrade.

    There is no switch to move the menu from side to side, except switching between themes.