2005-08-04 06:12:43
Content Import Failed in 151 build 20050803
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system - Linux s2.4.20-18.7
version of ATutor - 1.5.1 Nightly 2005 08 03
versions of php - 4.4.1-dev
version of mysq l - 3.23.56
webserver & version - Apache 10327100
copies of error messages - Import Failed
changes to default settings - NIL
web browser being used - IE6
and anything else relevant -
Was trying to install ATutor for the first time and import test content, the error indicating the import failed.
Tried upload with filemanager with the same packages and files can be uploaded without problem. So upload and file size limit is not a problem.
Extracting zip file from filemanager also works fine so it's not a zip problem.
content directory permission is set to 777.
Tried exporting sample course and import in the exported course encounter same problem.
Is there any way we can get a more descriptive error message to identify the problem?