2005-07-31 12:56:37
The Error from LMS RunTime Environment Test
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system -WINXP
version of ATutor -1.5
versions of php -4.3.4
version of mysq l -4.1
webserver & version -apache2
copies of error messages -
changes to default settings -
web browser being used -ie6
and anything else relevant -
I downloaded the ADL SCORM Conformance Test Suite.
I imported the test content package,see the attachement file.
After import the scorm package,the page have some errors(such as cann't find the class org/adl/tsuite/lms/LMSRTEApplet.class).
why???can you tell me the answer??
if it is bug,the atutor is not a standarded system.