what are the errors you are getting?
> mysql was complaining of an sql syntax error in the field associated with the language data tables... I resolved by only exporting "data" (checked in phpmyadmin export area) and not any extended comments, etc. in phpmyadmin. This worked fine, taking them a table-at-a-time and importing them a table-at-a-time.
are you using the latest version of phpmyadmin to export the db?
>Yes, I think so. Version phpmyadmin is 2.5.1 as I recollect.
the language tables use a variable called "key" which must be escaped, like: `key` for it to work correctly. otherwise mysql will give an error thinking that the term is incorrectly being used. (key is a reserved word).
> this was resolved when I did not try to export extended comments, etc., in phpmyadmin and just requested data alone (table-by-table... no structure as the structure of the database had already been created on the new host server).
phpmyadmin should be able to export the entire db to a gz file no problem. give that a try.
> Yes, it would copy the entire database in a zip file but the file was too big (unzipped it was 4 megabytes) for phpmyadmin to import as a single file. Nonetheless, I worked around this by taking tables at a time out of the old server and into the new server.
if it doesn't work, you could wait a week or two for the 1.3 release because it'll include the course backup feature and a student export feature. both those will let you export and import your courses and students easily.
> Oooooh... :) This sounds interesting. I can't wait to see what you've added in 1.3.
how many MB is your database?
> database was 949k zipped; 4 megs unzipped.
what kind of server are you using?
> server is an Apache/Linux box... a 2.4 gHz Dell so they say... top of the line. Seems to fly now... compared to the old host that was on-again/off-again and timing out, etc.
the hardware?
> hardware a Dell... it's a rented host so I do not know what all they have going there but it seems to fly.
do you have cacheing enabled?
> No, not yet... but I will give it a try here once I can figure out how to get my old server's atutor/content files down from there and uploaded to the new server's atutor/content subdirectory... basically overcoming the chmod550 vs chmod777 access problems.
Thanks! :)
Bob Lee