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Announcements feeds

  • 2005-07-24 03:47:38

    Announcements feeds

    I think it is not very easy for an instructor or student to guess the actual rss feed URL of the course they are involved.
    The ..../get_rss.php?x-x changes from the id of the course and I couldn't guess the second number origin
    I suggest to place a classic XML icon besides the Announcements header with the path to the get_rss.php and dynamically change the appropiated values to ease the import of the channel to the feed readers.
    I consider this feature of the rss in Atutor very valuable and is not very well documented.

  • 2005-07-24 10:09:16

    add XML to template

    Agreed, RSS feeds need to be more obvious.

    For now you could add them into the themes/default/index.tmpl.php file with something like the following:

    global $system_courses;
    if ($system_courses[$_SESSION['course_id']]['rss']): ?>
    <a href="<?php echo $this->base_path; ?>get_rss.php?<?php echo $_SESSION['course_id']; ?>-2" >RSS2</a>
    <a href="<?php echo $this->base_path; ?>get_rss.php?<?php echo $_SESSION['course_id']; ?>-1" />RSS1</a>
    <?php endif; ?>