Thanks for access to the old demo server. I was happy to be able to backup that content.
I was able to dowload both ims packages as well as atutor course backup files off the 143 demo server. The problem is that I can't upload the content or restore backups. The zip files (backup and IMS) appear to be corrupt.
The message i recieve on my local Atutor 1.5 xamp installation is upon backup restore (restore.php) is:
'Error : PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature'
Subsequently, I received the following message from winzip when attempting to open any of the zip files manually:
"End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a Zip file, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part Zip file."
Attached is one of the archives I downloaded.
I am sure that your efforts arenot focused on the old 143 demo server as you roll out 1.5. I am still hoping to get some valid archives off that server.
Things to describe:
operating system -xp
version of ATutor -1.5 locally - backups from 1.4.3 demo server
versions of php -passed
version of mysq l -passed
webserver & version -passed
copies of error messages -see above
changes to default settings -none
web browser being used -ie6
and anything else relevant -user name on 143 demo is ryanf