Here is a list of things you can describe with your help request.
1. The version of ATutor you are referring to
ATutor 1.2
2. The operating system ATutor is installed on (Windows, Unix etc., Mac ...), and its version
Linux Red Hat 9.0
3. The Web server you are using and its version (Apache, Netscape, IIS...).
Apache 2.0.40
4. The version of PHP and MySQL being used (php 4.2.0+ and MySql 3.23+ are required) .
MySQL 4.0.14
PHP 4.2.2
5. The Web browser you are using to view ATutor, it's version number, and any default settings you may have changed.
Mozilla 1.2.1
6. Do you have root access to your server, or are you a hosted user on someone else's server, etc?
I got root.
7. List the steps you took prior to experiencing the problem.
- gunzip ATutor.tar.gz
- tar -xvf ATutor.tar
- copy this dir into my /var/www/html/
- drwxrwxrwx 16 eric eric 4096 Oct 9 14:19 ATutor
- all files have 777 access
- created the database atutor with the ATutor_schema.sql
- http://ls1/Atutor
8. Provide access information to your ATutor installation with appropriate admin/instructor accounts.
I am not sure I don't think that I have created this accounts.. I have only used my user name and password since I will be the admin.
9. Provide a URL to a phpinfo page so we can see how php has been installed on your system. This is a local server so I can not provide a phpinfo... I could copy and past it.. if you like
/* the database password*/
/* the database host */
define('DB_HOST', 'ls1');
/* the database tcp/ip port */
define('DB_PORT', '3306');
/* the database name */
/* your (ATutor system admin) password to let you add */
/* new instructors */
define('ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'changeyou');
/* your (admin) email address */
/* do you want to receive emails when new instructor accounts */
/* require approval*/
/* allow regular account users to request their account o be*/
/* upgraded to instructor accounts.*/