2005-06-09 00:39:30
Cant backup or export
operating system - Linux
version of ATutor - 1.4.3
versions of php - 4.3.8
version of mysq l - 3.23.56
webserver & version - Apache 1.3
I tried different LCMS and I decided to suggest to the organizatin I work for, the use of ATutor for a lot of reason we all, the followers of this project, know.
So I installed an ATutor copy to test it with on real condition with the stress of several intructors, assitants and of course students.
I created 2-3 courses with not much information and 1 with almost full use of the system (not test or quizzes). I works fine except tha I can`t make a single backup of this particular last course I mentioned neither export the contents of it. Although I can make it with the others smaller content courses, so I figure is not a backup or export script issue.
The whole DB is less than 5Mb, not much isn't it? But I always get blank page or browser quit answer for a long period of trying.
I even tried to manually backup the database through PhpMyAdmin ...and the browser also quits with a blank page.
I even thought, could be a sigle quoute or double bad escaping bug on the content uploading scripts, have you eexperienced something similar?
Any suggestion?
And last but not least, congratulations for such wonderful project and results.