2005-05-16 04:17:53
Fsockopen warnings at install step 3
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
operating system -
version of ATutor -
versions of php -
version of mysq l -
webserver & version -
copies of error messages -
changes to default settings -
web browser being used -
and anything else relevant -
Appreciating any advice on the below:
In Step 3 of the installation I see the following:
Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: gethostbyname failed in c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache\\htdocs\\atutor\\install\\include\\step3.php on line 82
Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (machine name).(domain).local:8080:8080 in c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache\\htdocs\\atutor\\install\\include\\step3.php on line 82
IThe rest of the installation steps are succeful but when I start ATutor there is no theme - just untidy text links - and it is obviously not working properly.
Is it because I am running Apache on port 8080?
operating system - Windows 2k3
version of ATutor - 1.4.3
versions of php - 4.3.11
version of mysq l - 4.1.11
webserver & version - Apache 1.3.33 Win32 on port 8080
web browser being used - tried both Firefox 1.0.4 and IE6