
Learning Management Tools

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Attribute rights to File Manager

  • 2005-04-25 03:21:01

    Attribute rights to File Manager


    Can you tell me how to attribute rights to a folder of File Manager ?

    We want folders read-only for students and full-access for teachers and one full-access for both.

    Tnak you :)

    A tutor 1.4.3

  • 2005-04-25 09:56:59

    More questions

    My boss wants me to add links to file manager and memeber list on the first page (where Enrolled Courses are displayed) :

    Shortcut to Forums
    Contact Course Instructor
    [blue] File manager
    Member list[/blue]


    As it is very very urgent, can anyone tell me which file to edit ?

    How is it that a student can't see File Manager ?

    thanks again for your answers.

  • 2005-04-27 03:56:16

    solved !

    OK I found how !!
