
Learning Management Tools

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New Course

  • 2005-03-03 06:49:08

    New Course

    When trying to create a new course I receive the blank page, with following message DB ERROR

    Things to describe:
    operating system - LINUX
    version of ATutor - 1.4.3
    versions of php - 4.3.10
    version of mysq l - 4.0.22-standard
    webserver & version - APACHE 1.3.33 (Unix)
    copies of error messages - DB Error
    changes to default settings -
    web browser being used - IE 6
    and anything else relevant -


  • 2005-03-03 08:33:04


    Try reinstalling. Perhaps a file was corrupted.

    Provide a link to your ATutor installation directory if the problem persists.

  • 2005-03-03 10:35:20

    New course

    I reinstalled. The problem continues. The address of my installation is:


  • 2005-03-03 10:56:28

    register_globals off

    There are other problems as well, like requesting an instructor account, and links breaking after attempting to login. It might be related to the register_globals setting being turned on. It should be turned off. You can turn it off in the php.ini file then restart your webserver, or you can create a .htaccess file with the following line in it and place the file in the root directory of ATutor.

    php_flag register_globals off

  • 2005-03-03 11:08:01

    New course

    Hi Greg!
    I approved it as instructor. You can make the necessary alterations.

  • 2005-03-03 12:57:54

    Include the Welcome course

    If the register_global suggestion does not work, try reinstalling but include the default welcome course.

    Let us know what happens.

  • 2005-03-03 15:33:55

    New course

    I tried all again the alternatives. The problem continues.

  • 2005-03-03 18:25:03

    where did you try

    I see register_globals is still turned on and there is still no default welcome course at the url above. Where did you try the alternatives.

    Turn register_global OFF as instructed above in a .htaccess file (including the leading dot)

    Reinstall ATutor and create the default course when you do (its an option when you are installing)

  • 2005-03-04 07:07:02

    New course

    Which the way to become register_global OFF?
    Where I can make this change?
    The way where it sends .htaccess file is the following:
    www/atutor/.htaccess . Is correct?


  • 2005-03-04 08:30:08

    see above

    I've described how to turn off register_globals above. And it is described in several places throughout this forum if you had tried searching.

    Please don't tell us you have tried the suggestions if you have not. We spend time trying to help. Our time does not come cheap, and when we offer it to you here for free, it is costing us money to provide that help. If you abuse that, you may find that we are no longer willing to help you.

    Please do not waste our time!

  • 2005-03-04 09:10:53

    New course

    It forgives me, but I'm not abusing. I tried some times. If I did not obtain to make what you said me is due to bigger knowledge. I do not have no intention in abusing its time. I translated the ATutor to Portuguese BR. This also spent much time for me. We are a community and our duty is to help us.
    I will search more solutions. If to find, I will share.


  • 2005-03-04 12:48:36

    New course - solution

    Hi Greg!

    I found the solution.
    The solution was the following: I erased the database and created again. After, I reinstalled and now it functions normally.
