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Admin user

  • 2003-08-29 16:49:48

    Admin user

    Hi! I'm trying ATutor and a like to put it on a website that I am hosting, I have a problem cause the company who host my website and databases is using the "admin" user, the question is: Is it posible that the superadmin would be a user like "atadmin" intead of "admin", how can i do that?



  • 2003-08-30 10:37:57

    Change in users/admin.php

    We are going to change the name of the superadmin user in the next release.

    For now you can change the name of the superadmin user by editing line 20 in users/admin.php.

    if (($_POST['form_login'] == 'admin') .....
    if (($_POST['form_login'] == 'atadmin')


  • 2003-09-01 11:38:07

    Error msg

    I changed the line 20 just like you said, and I changed also the member "admin" for "atadmin" in the database, and i got the next error msg,

    <img src="http://localhost/atutor/images/error_x.gif" align="top" alt="
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cache() in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\atutor\include\ on line 430

    What should i do??

  • 2003-09-02 09:06:43

    This error is unrelated

    Changing the usernames should not affect caching. I suspect something else has changed. If the problem persists you can comment out the cache line in, or or reinstalling ATutor.

    [reply][b]In reply to:[/b]
    I changed the line 20 just like you said, and I changed also the member "admin" for "atadmin" in the database, and i got the next error msg,

    2003-09-02 10:41:10

    About the changes

    I found that if I change the line

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
    define('DB_HOST', '');
    define('DB_HOST', '');

    is when the system shows that message, by the way If I use the choice localhost the problem dissapear.

    The question is:
    Is it possible to change the host to an URL or IP Address??

  • 2003-09-02 12:15:53

    define a protocol

    Yes you can use a domain/ip addresses with the http protocol defined (http :// You should only need to do this if you are accessing a remote Mysql db, otherwise use localhost.

    [reply][b]In reply to:[/b]
    I found that if I change the line

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
    define('DB_HOST', '');
    define('DB_HOST', '');

    is when the system shows...

  • 2003-09-02 13:39:24

    Error email

    The problem dissapear finally, I just put the user and password in the, you could see the ATutor at it seems to function fine, but now, when i try to register as a user, ATutor displays "Email address was invalid" in all the entries in the email field.

    What's the problem?

  • 2003-09-06 20:57:44

    Call to undefined function: cache()

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cache() in /var/www/html/ATutor/include/ on line 430

    I got the above error message from the start when I tried to login (Mandrake 9.1, php 4.3.1, ATutor 1.2.2).

    I've tried all of the following, to no avail:
    * define('CACHE_DIR', ''); in rather than completely uncommented
    * change admin user to atadmin in users/admin.php (in database as well)
    * downgrade to ATutor 1.2

    Any clues? I will be glad to give you more details if needed.

    Thanks in advance, Arnold

  • 2003-09-07 13:52:14

    Create /tmp

    If a /tmp directory does not already exist, create one. If you own the system you could locate it in the root directory, or if you are on a hosted system, locate it under the atutor/content directory. Make sure the directory is writable. If mandrake has its own /tmp like directory (I'm not familiar with mardrake's directory structure), then set the CACHE_DIR value to it.

    If that does not work try commenting out the cache line in