2004-12-25 14:57:52
Who can explain me this sequence
2004-12-25 14:57:52
Who can explain me this sequence
2004-12-27 05:10:58
The / indicates the folder structure or tree. ATutor is in the folder or series of folders (path_to_atutor) between the root or first level folder that yourwebsite (http://www.your_server.com) accesses.
If the web addressisfor your site is http://www.mykoolsite.com, the index.html file is at the base of your web folder (sometimes this folder is named htdocs ... in Apache1 on Mac OS X it is the Documents folder in the Webserver folder in the main Library folder).
If ATutor folder is immediately inside this root folder, your web address to it would be http://www.mykoolsite.com/ATutor. If instead, the ATutor folder is inside another folder in your web folder (eg. a folder entitled learning), the http://your_server.com/path_to_atutor/ATutor/ would be http://www.mykoolsite.com/learning/ATutor/
2004-12-29 08:34:21
Is that means that i need to have my web page. Can I work with atutor without my web page . That means offline.
2004-12-29 08:34:29
Is that means that i need to have my web page. Can I work with atutor without my web page . That means offline.
2004-12-29 08:53:16
If you are working from the same computer that is your server (but not online to the web), try or
I'm assuming that the ATutor folder is at the root level of your webserver folder
2004-12-30 09:15:35
Can you leave me your mail lelchuck.I dont have server