2004-12-15 10:32:15
Language of the platform
I that I must do in order that the Spanish language remains predetermined for fault in my platform ATutor
2004-12-15 10:32:15
I that I must do in order that the Spanish language remains predetermined for fault in my platform ATutor
2004-12-15 16:47:14
in include/config.inc.php
define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'es');
2004-12-16 16:35:37
Hello greg. Config.ini.php with the indications modifies the file that you gave me, and she does not take by defect the Spanish language me. that I must do?
2004-12-16 16:49:32
Have you imported the language pack? The language has to be installed before you can make it the default language.
Download the language pack and use the administrator language manager to import it.
Is your web browser set to display Spanish?
Does the user you are logging in with have the language set to Spanish in the Profile?
2005-01-18 11:35:07
hello Greg, I have problems to place the Spanish language by defect, I did I change in the file config.inc.php the language Englis by Spanish, but the language continues being English. Greg. there are no problems with the users who have predetermined the Spanish language in their profile. As administrator as he could predetermine my session in Spanish?
2005-01-18 11:59:14
Everything seems to work fine for me.
Make sure your browser is set to display Spanish by default.