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Using File Manager to create subfolders

  • 2004-11-09 13:17:53

    Using File Manager to create subfolders


    I would like to upload a course content - which is orginized as a collection of folders and subfolders - into the ATutor files. I am using Tools -> Instructor Tools -> File Manager

    There I see two options: "create folder" and "Upload".

    No matter what I do, every folder I create ends up being a top-level folder. Is it possible to create sub-folders using the FIle Manager? How do I do it?

    I am using ATutor 1.4.1 on Windows XP.

    Thank you,

    Inna Zharnitsky

  • 2004-11-09 16:43:44

    Enter into a folder to create a subfolder

    Enter the folder into which you want to add a subfolder. Then create a new folder.

    You could also zip the folders and files together, upload the zip file, then unzip the file in the filemanager to recreate the subfolders.

  • 2004-11-10 13:28:42

    Creating subfolders in File Manager


    Thank you for your reply.

    > Enter the folder into which you want to add a subfolder. Then create a new folder.

    I have tried doing that - and a new folder is created on the top level, not as a sub-folder.

    Let me describe my steps:

    1)Go to Tools-> File Manager
    Path to Current Directory: Home /
    create folder "parent".

    2) Click on "parent" link - now I am in "parent" folder.
    Path to Current Directory: Home / parent

    3) Create folder "child".

    Now I see the message:
    Path to Current Directory: Home /

    and I see folders "parent" and "child".
    But "child" is on the top level, just like "parent"
    Path to Current Directory: Home / child

    Am I doing smth wrong?


  • 2004-11-10 13:53:15


    replace line293 in tools/file_manager.php:
    echo '<form name="form1" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?frame='.$_GET['frame'].'">'."\n";

    echo '<form name="form1" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?frame='.$_GET['frame'].SEP.'pathext='.$pathext.'">'."\n";

  • 2004-11-10 14:36:31

    fix 2

    you have to put the $pathext as urlencode($pathext)
    so line 293 is actually:
    echo '<form name="form1" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?frame='.$_GET['frame'].SEP.'pathext='.urlencode($pathext).'">'."\n";