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Course Topic Export produces Notice Undefined index error

  • 2004-10-12 11:13:50

    Course Topic Export produces Notice Undefined index error

    I am on a Win2K server, MySQL 4.0.18 nt, PHP version: 4.3.0, IE 6.0 Browser

    When I attempt to export a Course topic, I get this error.

    Notice: Undefined index: c in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Intranet2\LearningForum\ATutor\tools\ims\ims_export.php on line 18

    An error occurred. Output sent before it should have. Please correct the above error(s).


    Headers already sent. Cannot initialise session.

    Any idea what's wrong an how I can correct it?

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2004-10-12 15:22:54


    add the line:
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

    at line 16 right after define('AT_INCLUDE_PATH', '../../include/');