2016-07-03 20:58:34
browse courses stopped working
I started to create a new course (in the update 2-2.2)
It was all very well; the course was creating looked good; even in the editing content appeared the "forum" button in the editor that has disappeared in the course already created with version 2.2.1. But it has stopped working tab "browse courses" giving a blank page.
The solution to disable the tab with "system preferences" from the administration panel is not a desired solution. I find no reason for it has stopped working because everything else is "normal".
Any suggestions to solve the problem?
Things to describe:
Operating system ATutor is installed on -
ATutor version - 2.2.2
ATutor theme name - Blumin
PHP version - 5.3.3
MySQL version - 5.1.73
Webserver & version - Linux 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64
Best Regards,