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Displaying an Image in File Storage Trying to use getphp

  • 2015-09-06 16:06:49

    Displaying an Image in File Storage Trying to use getphp

    Hi. I have 2.0 installed and I'm trying to make a modification to where if a user uploads an image file via the assignment dropbox, it will display the image in addition to the name of the file.

    I'm showing the image like this:

    In Chrome the image loads and displays for a brief second, then I get a broken image link and get this error in the Chrome console: GET net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

    BTW, my code works fine in FF with no console errors. This seems to only fail in Chrome. I can post my code if it would help, but do you have any ideas about this Chrome error?

  • 2015-09-14 18:19:34

    Re: Displaying an Image in File Storage (Trying to use get.php)

    Replying to bump this up the line.....

    Any thoughts here?