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mysqlfetchassoc error in taketestqphp

  • 2015-04-06 01:46:27

    mysqlfetchassoc error in taketestqphp

    When test is given by Student, student gets below error. But if Instructor giving test then problem doesn't come.
    I have installed fresh copy of take_test_q.php, but still problem persists.
    Any clue ?

    mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxx/mods/_standard/tests/take_test_q.php on line 237

  • 2015-04-06 09:12:30

    Re: mysql_fetch_assoc() error in take_test_q.php

    I'm unable to reproduce this myself.

    Can you reproduce the prob;em on the demo site?

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -
    ATutor version -
    Patch #s applied -
    ATutor theme name -
    PHP version -
    MySQL version -
    Webserver & version -
    Copies of error messages -
    Changes to default settings -
    Web browser being used -
    ...and anything else relevant -