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QTI 20

  • 2015-02-19 17:18:45

    QTI 20

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -
    ATutor version -
    Patch #s applied -
    ATutor theme name -
    PHP version -
    MySQL version -
    Webserver & version -
    Copies of error messages -
    Changes to default settings -
    Web browser being used -
    ...and anything else relevant -

  • 2015-02-19 18:03:04

    Re: QTI 2.0


    I keep asking for more flexibility in question types. I wish I had the money to finance it, but I'm an adjunct with a family to support. However, I am going to make an argument for it that is incontrovertible.

    Most other LCMS have QTI 2.0. Not onlly Blackboard but Claroline and its forks offer QTI 2.0. I have seen the Chamilo fork on installatron at godaddy and was tempted to try it until I saw what the learning curve was like.

    The Exam View software that many of the texbook companies issue uses QTI 2.0. One can simply open up an Exam View question bank and export it to an ims file, then import it to an LCMS offering QTI 2.0.. Who needs atutor, then, if it doesn't offer QTI 2.0?

    The strength of Atutor is the simple, easily operable interface that is suited to what most teachers need, a document server with quiz functionality. Its main weakness is non industry standard QTI 1.2.1.

    There is a new edition of the textbook I use. Currently, I have to rewrite all my tests for it. I have to do it manually because of QTI 1.2.1, It has been a week of 12 hour days just to do one of them, and I haven't finished yet. I still have two more textbooks to do. If I could import the Exam View quiz files, I could have it done in no time.

    Especially if you offered QTI 2.0 with gradebook functionality similar to that of, you would have an absolute knockout product for atutorspaces. Now that you are going commercial, it is time go industry standard.

    Atutorspaces will have limited traction as a business until it offers industry standard QTI 2.0.

    Tim Chambers

  • 2015-02-20 09:25:17

    Re: QTI 2.0

    As you suggest, we'll need a way to fund additional QTI work.

  • 2015-02-22 08:41:47

    Re: QTI 2.0

    ATutorspaces is importing content fine.

    I would guess there are foriegn characters in the content, often resulting from pasting from word. Quotes in MS content will often break zip files.

    To avoid this issue, paste from word into a text editor, then copy and paste from there.

    Why it imports into moodle, I can not say. If you want to post a cartridge, I'll take a look.

    I explained why ATutor does not yet support QTI 2.1

    If QTI 2.1 is a show stopper for you, then ATutor is probably not the best system for you to be working in.