
Learning Management Tools

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tried to install a new theam and atutor wouldnt work

  • 2004-09-21 03:47:51

    tried to install a new theam and atutor wouldnt work

    An error occurred. Output sent before it should have. Please correct the above error(s).


    Error initializing session. Please varify that session.save_path is correctly set in your php.ini file and the directory exists.

    This is the error message i received after adding a new theem to a tutor
    What have i done wrong??

  • 2004-09-21 10:55:21

    tried to install a n

    which theme did you install? did you download one from

  • 2004-09-21 11:56:24

    tried to install a n

    i tried to install the open book