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Why doesnt the system time work correctly

  • 2015-01-27 18:28:50

    Why doesnt the system time work correctly


    I live in Australia and the time zone is +10 GMT However the software thinks it is at GMT when it is set to zero but my server is actually in America.

    So it is more than 17 hours behind. I cannot set the system time for the website because i cannot get a +17 on the time zone selector.

    How do I change the server time zone in the software so i can set my time zone correctly

    Thank You

  • 2015-01-27 18:39:37

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly

    Set the timezone in the admin's System Preference.

  • 2015-01-27 19:20:36

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly

    Hello Greg

    I tried to do that but as I explained above the difference between the None or 0 time shown and the 10 time which should be the difference between GMT and Australia East Coast is more than ten hours.

    For example the time now in my home town is 11.17am 28/01/2015 but the zero time in the admin section shows it is 18:17 on the 27/01/2015 which is the same as my webhost server time therefore the time difference is more than the available 14.

    Plus the current GMT time is 18:35 on the 28/01/2015

    So I am not sure how to set the system to be my time in Australia.

    best regards

    Jim barnes

  • 2015-01-27 19:25:46

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly

    Sorry Greg

    That should have been the current GMT time is 00.35 28/01/2015.

    which given Day Light saving time in Australia is correct.

    The software seems to use the server time rather than GMT as its basis for O time


    jim barnes

    [reply][b]In reply to:[/b]

    I live in Australia and the time zone is +10 GMT However the software thinks it is at GMT when it is set to zero but my server is actually in America.

    So it is more than 17 hours behind. I...

  • 2015-01-27 19:33:52

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly

    You should just need to adjust the timezone setting until the time displayed next to it matches your local time.

  • 2015-01-27 20:14:21

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly

    Hi Greg

    Thanks for the reply

    To get the time right I need to set the time zone to 17 but there is no 17 on the time zone list.

    Oh well thanks anyway.

    Jim Barnes

  • 2015-01-28 08:19:37

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly


    I worked out what is going on.

    The software uses the server local time as its 0 time in the administration preferences.

    Therefore if the server is in California the O time is 17 hours behind the time in Sydney Australia.

    I cannot adjust the admin time to the correct local time as there is no 17 in the selection menu.

    However if I set the admin time to 7 it gives me the GMT.

    Then for users I can set the time to 10 and it gives me the correct local time in Australia.


    I will put this on the bug forum

    Thank You

  • 2015-02-14 21:33:56

    Re: Why doesnt the system time work correctly

    I am in Japan with a server on -7 and I had the same problem. I tried your trick but that didn't work for me. So I went directly to the DB config in phpmyadmin and changed the time zone to 16. Then to zero in preferences. It gave me the local time.