2014-09-18 22:33:34
Patches Partly Installed
Hi Greg,
When applying patches 001 and 002 in Status says "Partly Installed", even though the message says "The patch has-been installed successfully." Patch 003 says "intalled".
2) How can I make the Default Menu (Side) is on the left of the screen (I use Bluemin 2.2 as default theme)?
Best Regards,
Things to describe:
Operating system ATutor is installed on -
ATutor version 2.2
Patch #s applied 001 (partly?), 002 (partly?), 003
ATutor theme name Bluemin 2.2
PHP version 5.3.3
MySQL version 5.1.73
Webserver & version -
Copies of error messages -
Changes to default settings -
Web browser being used Firefox and Chrome
...and anything else relevant updated from 2.1