
Learning Management Tools

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Undefined index

  • 2004-09-16 12:30:58

    Undefined index

    trying to contact thecourse instructor as a student, by means of the instructor contact form, I get this error

    Notice: Undefined index: from_browse in D:\elearning\atutor\users\contact_instructor.php on line 14

    An error occurred. Output sent before it should have. Please correct the above error(s).

    Error initializing session. Please varify that session.save_path is correctly set in your php.ini

    file and the directory exists.

    any suggestion is welcome

  • 2004-10-14 16:28:01

    Undefined index

    I am getting the same error. Bug maybe? :(

    Thanks in advance for any fix.

    Keith E.

  • 2004-10-15 10:01:39

    Undefined index

    Figured it out. Line 254 in .../ATutor/users/index.php needs to be;

    echo '· <a href="users/contact_instructor.php?course='.$row['course_id'].SEP.'from_browse=1">'._AT('contact_instructor').'</a><br /><br />';

    It was missing "].SEP.'from_browse=1' at the end of the URL creation.

    Keith E.

  • 2004-10-20 14:52:33

    very good

    it works now