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questions open ended

  • 2013-07-05 11:07:54

    questions open ended

    When the instructor opens the test with questions "open ended" to "View & Mark Test", the answers to the questions "open ended" always appear as "0" (zero) any suggestions?

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -
    ATutor version - 2.1.1

  • 2013-07-05 12:13:58

    Re: questions

    Applying patch 5 for 2.1.1 should fix that for any future opened ended questions submitted.

  • 2013-07-05 15:49:07

    Re: questions

    When I select in the administrator's home parcher search, does not connect to the server ATutor (see illustration), if you can not find the manual search. Zip to download (only are xml). Please can you tell me the procedure? Thank you!

  • 2013-07-05 16:01:56

    Re: questions

    This sometimes happens when a firewall blocks access to external sites trying to connect to ATutor.

    Not sure, but you may be able to take a copy of the xml file, viewing the source of the page below, save and zip it (e.g., then use the patch upload.

    Or ask your sysadmin to open the firewall to allow connections from the ATutor update server.

  • 2013-07-09 17:33:50

    Re: questions

    Please help,

    When zip the XML, then use patch upload... next error:

    "The following errors occurred:
    Patch XML file is not found."

  • 2013-07-12 09:23:55

    Re: questions

    It's hard to say what the problem might be. The XML file looks intact, though if you copied and pasted, it may have broken the file.

    Unfortunately I do no have a copy of that patch around any more. You could try zipping it up again, or applying the patch manually by finding the code changes described in the XML file, and applying them yourself.

    The best choice though would be to have your admin allow connections to

  • 2013-07-15 06:24:28

    Re: questions

    My service provider hosting support answers: "We see that connects to a subdomain of, and that this subdomain ( is hosted on another hosting, everything seems it the target server rejects the connection"

  • 2013-07-15 09:18:37

    Re: questions

    Both and are on the same physical server, with the same IP address. I would question whether your host even checked.

  • 2013-07-15 10:15:57

    Re: questions

    I do not understand very well what is the question:

    "I would question even checked Whether your host." (says Greg)

    When from the Manager Control Panel is consulted for newer versions of ATutor, the response is normal. The problem persists in the error "not connected" with "".

    Anyway, since I did manually correcccin of "mods / _standad / tests / take_test.php" according to the patch # 5 and the problem with "open ended" seems to be overcome.

    My question, Greg, is whether that error (the same which is still pending not hiding other errors in version 2.1.1

    (There is a problem I'm seeing with the test that have an expiration date but I'm checking that is not my mistake before commenting on the support forum)

    Thank you very much for your dedication


  • 2013-07-15 10:30:19

    Re: questions

    I suppose that "question" is confusing. Restated, your host probably did not check to see if update.atutor was on a different server. It is not.

    The check for updated versions of ATutor is on I'm not sure what's going on on your server, but there is some blocking occurring that only your service provider would be able to unblock.

    Glad to hear though, that manually applying the patch fixed the problem.

    Not sure what the rest of your message is asking.

  • 2013-07-15 12:36:26

    Re: questions

    Dear Greg,

    I use ATutor since version 1.4.3 (2005?) I have a great satisfaction, first for the proper development of ATutor and especially for your tolerant patience to help us / your users.

    Sometimes technology has unknowns and something does not work ... maybe that is a reason that technology makes it increasingly easy but increasingly funny.

    My hosting service says ---"The fault lies!" Atutor says ---" is a bad kid" ... :)

    I suffer with unexpected detail (not to connect and download the patch from but I'm enjoying the best open source LCMS market and the enormous talent of yours and your team of collaborators.

    Thanks Greg!

    sorry my poor English proficiency hinders me properly express my sincere appreciation to ATutor)

  • 2013-07-15 13:07:54

    Re: questions

    That's interesting.

    is your service provider?

    Not being able to connect to update.atutor is a common one, but it is usually resolved with an adjustment to the firewall.

  • 2013-07-15 14:13:03

    Re: questions

    When you can, please read the attached pdf. Thank you.

  • 2013-07-15 16:35:00

    Re: questions

    Apart from the SERVFAIL error, the IP addresses do match, so it should be clear both sites are served from the same server. Not sure why they would suggest otherwise.

    Here's a suggestion from our sys admin to produce a network capture so we can see how your site is attempting to connect to the atutor site.

    In a shell on your server, try the following:

    tcpdump -i eth0 -s 65535 -w ~/atutor_network.cap

    assuming eth0 is the network interface on his server

    and then while tcpdump is running, he should attempt to access the site in question using another shell session


    then CTRL C tcpdump to kill the process and send the ~/atutor_network.cap file

    I guess the main thing is that others can reach the vhost!/m1t0L/


    Doing these tests show there's no problem connecting to the update server.

    You could try adding the IP address ( as an ACCEPT rule to your firewall, and see if that helps.

  • 2013-07-16 03:43:14

    Re: questions The problem is solved!

    Dear Greg,

    Known issue, no longer a problem.

    Before proceeding with your very valuable feedback, which I sincerely appreciate, the support of found the fault (in the php of VPS) and they say:

    [i] "It seems that php was having problems connecting to the server with fopen (either in or in connection DNS resolution was giving timeout).I have Changed the settings and have already patched correctly administration page." [/i]

    Anyway I copied your orientation to gigas's people to join their knowledge base if similar problems occur with other customers.

    With your permission, I will comment publicly this episode on my blog where I explain why I think that ATutor is the best open source LCMS though so marked tendency to prefer Moodle in Spain and Latin America (not just the talent of "Greg" ... is their tenacity to solve little problems day to day and see the great potential of ATutor in the future, I feel and I appreciate your passion more than your talent)

    The problem is solved! Everything seems to be working normally (until the next fault :) )

    A sincere appreciation to your attention. I want to trust that the next time you see a message request for help from "es24tv" do not turn off your PC and go running to Tierra del Fuego in the south of the continent :)

    A hug,


  • 2013-07-16 08:59:30

    Re: questions The problem is solved!

    Sure, go ahead and post to your blog.

    And, thanks for appreciating the help! It makes the effort worthwhile.