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Certify Certificate Release

  • 2012-06-04 18:56:34

    Certify Certificate Release


    I'm running the newest version of AT.

    Currently when Certify releases a certificate it os done based on the mean average of test results. So say the passing score is 80% but the student gets 9/10 at 100% and 1/10 at 70%, they will be issued a certificate.

    How can I stop it from releasing the certificate if at least one of the tests is below 80%?

  • 2012-06-05 10:02:17

    Re: Certify Certificate Release

    My guess is there's test pass setting that's not set correctly. Double check your test properties.

  • 2012-06-06 13:05:34

    Re: Certify Certificate Release

    Thanks Greg, however they are all set to 80% to pass.

  • 2012-06-06 15:03:34

    Re: Certify Certificate Release

    I just setup a test with a certificate issued on passing three tests @80%. The first test passed at 80%, the second passed at 100%, the third test failed at 75%. No certificate was issued.

    The module seems to be working as it should.

    It's difficult to say what is causing the problem you seem to be having. If you want to investigate on your own, and you discover where the problem lies, we will take a closer look. We have been using the module for some time without any problems, so my guess is something has been setup wrong, or perhaps there's something specific with your system (like the php version) that may be causing the problem.