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How to change misspelled word in automatic notification message

  • 2012-05-06 14:28:23

    How to change misspelled word in automatic notification message

    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -Linux 3.2.16
    ATutor version -1.6.4
    Patch #s applied -
    ATutor theme name -
    PHP version -5.2.17
    MySQL version -5.5.21=55
    Webserver & version -
    Copies of error messages -
    Changes to default settings -
    Web browser being used -IE
    ...and anything else relevant -

    I just noticed that the word "received" is misspelled in the automatic message that is sent when someone subscribed to a thread in the forum of my course server. Since I teach writing classes, I need to correct this, but can't find where to do so. Can you help? Thanks.

  • 2012-05-06 16:49:30

    Re: How to change misspelled word in automatic notification message

    As admin, go to:

    System Preferences>Languages>Editor

    Then search for the language you need to change.

  • 2012-05-10 18:42:31

    Re: How to change misspelled word in automatic notification message

    Thanks, Greg. I was in the right area -- just didn't go far enough.
