
Learning Management Tools

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  • 2011-08-29 05:46:01


    If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.

    Things to describe:
    Operating system ATutor is installed on -Windows NT 6.1
    ATutor version -2.0.1
    Patch #s applied -
    ATutor theme name - fluid
    PHP version -5.3.6
    MySQL version -5.1.51-community
    Webserver & version -
    Copies of error messages -
    Changes to default settings -
    Web browser being used -
    ...and anything else relevant -

  • 2011-08-29 05:55:06

    Re: e-mails

    Am unable to send e-mails to users of my atutor installation. I notice that if I send an e-mail to an address at my domain (e.g it will send but to other e-mail address like yahoo,hotmail or gmail(e.g I get error sending e-mail message

  • 2011-08-29 08:58:06

    Re: e-mails

    First have a look at the FAQs, to be sure your server is set up to send email from ATutor. On Windows systems, PHP needs to be pointed to a mail server to to function propeerly.

    Another possibility is these mail services are flagging mail from ATutor as spam. As students to check their spam filter, and if they find mail there, adjust their spam settings to allow email from ATutor.