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Add Assignment missing something

  • 2011-03-29 11:08:11

    Add Assignment missing something

    ATutor Version: 2.0.1
    PHP Version: 5.2.17
    All patches added.
    Theme - custom one copied from the standard default template.

    I seem to be missing some of the fields:

    Missing fields: Description, Marking Scheme, Add to GradeBook, File Manager Attachment, Attach Files...

    I have the following modules installed and enabled:

    Assignments Dropbox
    File Storage
    Grade book (and every other module apart from: Photo Gallery, Polls, Chat and Blogs)

    So currently the functionality of the Assignments module seems to be a fraction of what it can/should be... do you have any idea of what I might be doing wrong?

  • 2011-03-30 09:52:00

    Re: Add Assignment missing something?

    Can anyone help? I just want to know if I'm missing the description and other fields, or if they've been removed for some reason.

    All I need to do is create an assignment with a short description, and allow users to upload their submissions, which I'm sure Atutor will do easily, but I just can't find where to add a description for the assessment, or where to add it to content.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2011-03-30 09:56:51

    Re: Add Assignment missing something?

    The document is an old planning document. Not all the features were implemented.

    You're not missing anything.

  • 2011-03-30 10:02:04

    Re: Add Assignment missing something?

    Ok, thanks. So how do I add an assignment to the content, with a description? I'm not sure how to point users to hand in a document in relation to a specific stage in the course content.

  • 2011-03-30 10:31:38

    Re: Add Assignment missing something?

    I generally just create a separate content page with a description of the assignment, then copy the link to the dropbox and paste it into the page.

  • 2011-03-30 10:33:04

    Re: Add Assignment missing something?

    Oh, right. Yes, that makes sense. Thanks! :-)