2011-02-04 19:10:51
Probem with alignment for pictures
I tried to insert a picture aligning on the right of the text in content editor. It is OK till saving the text. When I save the text it turns baseline whereas I choose alignment as right in the apperance tab of inserting picture.
What's wrong with it?
I need a help.
If you are asking for help, provide lots of detail so problems can be reproduced.
Things to describe:
Operating system ATutor is installed on -Linux 2.6.32-25.8.BHsmp
ATutor version - 2.0.2(r10589 - 2010-12-21 16:47:09)
Patch #s applied - 1
ATutor theme name -
PHP version - 5.2.16
MySQL version - 5.1.47-community-log
Webserver & version -
Copies of error messages -
Changes to default settings -
Web browser being used - Firfox 4 Beta 9
...and anything else relevant -