2010-10-21 15:53:28
Problems with configincphp
Hey All,
Im trying to install Atutor and stuck in Save Configuration.
Below, the error:
Save Configuration
* ../include/config.inc.php is writeable.
* include/config.inc.php cannot be written! Please verify that the file exists and is writeable. On Unix issue the command chmod a+rw include/config.inc.php to make the file writeable. On Windows edit the file's properties ensuring that the Read-only attribute is not checked and that Everyone access permissions are given to that file.
Note: To change permissions on Unix use chmod a+rw then the file name.
File is writeable, I cant figure out the problem.
Things to describe:
Operating system ATutor is installed on - Windows
ATutor version - 2.0.1
Patch #s applied -
ATutor theme name -
PHP version -
MySQL version -
Webserver & version -
Copies of error messages -
Changes to default settings -
Web browser being used -
...and anything else relevant -